Tuesday, October 26, 2010

we heart fashion shows.

We always enjoy a good show.

Funkshion Fashion week in Miami kicked off its 2011 collections with Karelle Levy's KREL Wear | Flora and Fauna Show at the Setai in Miami on 10.20.10. And it was covered in fabulous. We have proof.
Click here.

Be sure to also go see...

Artisans Agency
New Times

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

new craving.

i fell in love at the first turquoise glance.

This jewelry designer does her thing. Shannon Saint Clair has a wide variety of couture pieces that are just must haves. She is all over Miami and people are taking notice. Her jewelry is worn by celebs all over and for good reason.

Visit here...

we caught up with her at the Worth Magazine | Rolls Royce Event at Play Night Club...click here to see the video.

new interview.

catching up before the head out.

we managed to track down the great Kiki Valdes during his going away fiesta we told you to come to at Cafeina in Wynwood.

Monday, October 11, 2010

adios friend.

a good friend and fantastic artist is leaving the 305 for NYC.

Kiki Valdes.
lets wish him a fond farewell as he heads to the concrete jungle.
Cafeina Wynwood Lounge
297 NW 23rd St
Miami | Wynwood
9 PM
more info.

wynwood in october.

Check out our trip around Wynwood
 for this month's art walk...

a yummy artist indeed...

if you are looking for a great time on a wednesday evening...
check out this delicious artist.

Lola B.
Gallery Night at Red Bar
50 Southwest 10th St
7 PM to 10 PM

new interview.

Greg Pitts speaks on a new piece...